Sunday, May 21, 2017

Awakening Box 4: Thoughts and Theories

Hunt A Killer: Box 4

LFoA Letter: The letter speaks about George Madson seemingly, missing or being held captive, with the statement "we pray for George's return in one piece." There is some sort of rewards system going into effect for the Darlington patients. And we see the newly placed Vice President, Jacob Nilson's signature. So what has happened to Mr. Madson? And how did a package inspector become the Vice President in just a few months? And what is JWJ's role in all of this? Nothing is very clear but these questions help us understand that there is something happening at the Darlington facility we should keep an eye on in coming episodes. 

JWJ Letter: He talks again about being in isolation without our correspondence. If he is basically running the LFoA, Darlington facility, why does he feel isolated? He talks about his childhood home, and references to sinkholes along the property. This began his fascination with sinkholes, obviously. And we see the statement "I miss my mother dearly". So, his mother has passed or is not in his life. We don't have much to go on about JWJ's past up to this point. We get an excerpt to The Canterbury Tales that starts "Whan that April with his showres..." Canterbury Excerpt And then there is a 3-digit number "125". ***I haven't found what that connects to in my own research, if it does at this point in the episodes.*** JWJ finishes with references to McGowan giving us a toy plane as a "gift of gratitude." And to a priest and demon(the Faustus Card). 

Toy Plane:

Our token of thanks from Lloyd McGowan for "helping" him gain his freedom. 

Faustus Card: Faustus(Wikipedia):
 Who is the "priest" and who is the "demon" in JWJ's opinion?  On the back is the latin phrase: "non sequi sus sequitor canes ostendere veritas" which in Google translate says: "not to follow the swine, let him follow the dogs to show the truth of the" What do "swine" and "dogs" have to do with JWJ's cryptic clues and story?

Richter/Hawkins Letter: Correspondence from 1967 between William Richter and Samuel J. Hawkins. What significance does Hawkins play in this? There was redacted signatures in the case file from box 2. Is the redaction because Hawkins had something to do with Lillian's death? The dialogue in the letter seems to be Richter giving Hawkins the false story behind McGowans involvement in her murder. Kind of giving him the sequence of events, false events, but keeping the story straight. Will Hawkins name show up again later? 

Ohio Farmer: A periodical, newspaper-type article from something called "The Ohio Farmer" from April 23, 1892. It has a lot of references to livestock and sales and ads for livestock. What this has to do with the overall story or how this clue ties in, I HAVE NO IDEA. It may tie in to the "swine" reference with the Faustus card. Or something else with JWJ we don't know yet. We will have to wait and see. 

***My Thoughts on Box/Episode 4: JWJ is closing one story arc and opening a new story arc. Or continuing the overall story and going back to box/episode 1. Is the McGowan story over? What do we do now...Box/Episode 4 holds the answer to at least one question!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Overlaying the LFoA letter & the JWJ letter and reading the newly filled in blanks from top of page to end will greatly inform of what is happening at LFoA.
    One should also take an in depth look at the demon flesh, as it literally spells out an answer, in line with theories and JWJs comments

    1. Do you mean the demon on the Faustus card? I couldn't see anything, even with the magnifying glass. The thought I saw some letters but couldn't discern them...

    2. How did you align the letters? I can't seem to align them well since the fonts are different sizes.

  3. rather than 125 being written, could it be L25 of Canterbury's Tales ?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I thought the exact same thing and if you read that line it's a description of a woman. I presume it may have been a description of the victim.

  5. 125 is a section in the tale.......125 After the school of Stratford-at-the-Bow,
    For French of Paris style she didn't know.
    At table her manners were well taught withall,
    And never let morsels from her lips fall,
    Nor dipped her fingers deep in sauce, but ate

  6. has anyone noticed the letter A in Jacobs Nilsons inspection notes??? the commentary under description of fastus. the a looks like the X. in our alphabet card. any thoughts???

  7. question? since we know that the facility uses conventional methods of treatment, could we assume that if JWJ has a multi-personality disorder, that they might entertain this idea and go along with it, given each personality a file?? what if JWJ is McGowan, as well as Jacob Nilson??? theoretically its plausible, if JWJ is being cured in some way by the staff, what if he's on the path of treatment to lose said personalities and Mr., McGowan is now gone, because he was a personality no longer needed. has anyone seen the movie split, Identity, or read the book Shutter Island???

  8. okay here is a mind bomb for ya, I went back and looked at suspects, victims and weapons......
    we have suspects
    John Williams James
    Jacob Nilson
    George Madson
    William Richter
    Samuel James Hawkins
    Lloyd McGowan

    VP's of LFoA
    William Richter - retired no known reason (1967)
    George Madson - MIA (2002-2017) Been with LFoA 15yrs.
    Jacob Nilson- Current (1997-2017) Been with LFoA 20yrs.

    Weapon (Pen Knife)
    McGowan suffered 1" cut on chest-Sept. 13,1967
    who was the confrontation with? What weapon was used to cause the cut?
    Lilian Grayson (Victim #1) Death Sept. 1967
    Multiple Stab wounds,
    1- Neck
    2- in palm of right hand
    13- in the abdomen

    again what was the weapon used for these stab wounds?

    Could we suspect that JWJ was telling us IGOTM, he meant that since he had the murder weapon, he can begin divulging information on who killed who?
    Remember in the beginning letter he stated " will you help dig me out"
    he also called us intermediaries, that's important.

    refferes to an inspector of "rare character" who owed him a favor...... ANY THOUGHTS?
    JWJ speaks of gaining a position on staff.... ANY THOUGHTS?
    JWJ states and I quote " Wonder what my identification card would say?" .... ANY THOUGHTS?

    I am all up for discussing this anyone else????????????


  10. has anyone paid any attention to the sand castle poem??? this is our guy JWJ. however he signed it frank x. remember our alphabet card.... the x with the dot. x. if you look up words underlined in red, they are NOT misspelled words, they actually mean something. again i have no doubt this is our John

  11. Sorry, guys, I am interrupting your session, and I suspect you are a team. I have no idea how I found this page, but I would like you to give me your thoughts on this. I thought the pen was a murder weapon and that JWJ used it to kill Madison...I think that the "I got M" means that. Remember, he felt that Madison was apathetic to him and was upset that Madison tried to replace his typewriter with his computer. Oh! Just realized this is a blog! I didn't think about that!

  12. 00ps, no I feel like an idiot, you guys did this a year ago! LOL I just got it from my kids for Christmas. Thanks for having it up!
