Sunday, May 14, 2017

Awakening Box 1: Thoughts and Theories

Hunt A Killer: Box 1

The Swan Card: Several myths can be linked to The Swan/Cygnus constellation. JWJ aka "FRIEND" is very into astrology and mythology. The Swan/Cygnus constellation is a part of a series of star charts made in the 1800s in London called "Urania's Mirror." *Could the other constellations on the blue constellation card be a part of the story in boxes to come?*
 Cygnus Mythology(Wikipedia)
Credit: Infants Cabinet of Birds and Beasts(1820)

Blue Constellation Card w/filament taped to the back: Has several constellations including Cygnus that are significant in later boxes so I will leave this clue to be explored when I think it pertains to the correct box.

Crushed Pill Cup: The consensus among other hunters, that I support, and it basically is backed up as you progress, is that the cup shows very simply that JWJ is in a hospital/mental institution.

LFoA Letter: The only thing of note I saw to keep a record of, is the name and title of George Madson. He calls himself "Vice-President and Chief Welcoming Agent, Listening Friends of America". Later boxes, this information varies, so I think it's very helpful to note the changing of this as you progress.

Redacted News Article: Simply Google the title of the article. Click For The Unredacted Article

"Friend" Letter: The phrasing in the letter in several parts, is taken from the redacted portions of the news article.

     Okay, so my thoughts/theories for box 1: JWJ is at this point in box 1, in a mental institution. He doesn't really delve too deeply into his personal life or backstory. But towards the end, he uses a phrase "I feel the great weight of isolation upon me". So could he, in box/episode 1, be in solitary confinement of some sort.
     The second to last paragraph seems to me the general idea of the game. We are getting in the head of JWJ. Finding the answer to cases will take understanding this man and how he thinks and operates.
     The letter is typed out. Is this by choice or is his incarceration dictating how he corresponds with us? He can't have "a pen" but he is allowed a typewriter. Does this hold any significance?

     Sorry I jump around so much. But this my process. And also, sorry for the slim amount of information. But box 1 is really an introduction to the game. My research can be added to by you on your own. Go down my path or take your own. At this point, no one really knows who is or isn't correct. So have fun and enjoy the Hunt!


  1. Thanks for a little bit of guidance. At this point, I am totally confused. I see where others are coming up with names and other pieces of information. I keep being told to Google everything, but I have no idea what to Google! You have given me at least a possible starting point. : )

    1. Thats what I'm here for. Just a push in a direction. I don't know if my theories are right or wrong. But I just put it out there for folks that need a path to take.

  2. Sounds good i, with you on almosr everything but have a few more things by googling dates on constellation card and by googling the article itself but i cant wait for Box 2 thanks again happy hunting

  3. I just got my first box... we are not supposed to know anything really, right? Like are we solving a murder? Just making sure I didnt miss something. One more question, do boxes come monthly or weekly?

    1. Hey KV....Box 1 is getting you familiar with the game and how clues and research will work. The FB community is a great help. Find your month/box specific group and you can avoid spoilers in the main group easier, going along the journey with people starting at the same time as you. And the box delivery is monthly. Gives you plenty of time to go over the clues and start figuring out exactly what your pen pal is up too. You will get an idea of his plans a few more boxes in. 3-8 are awesome boxes! Its a tv show and the episodes are in boxes. I just finished season one and I was super satisfied with how it played out. email: if you have any issues with your boxes or need help with your subscription. Happy Hunting!

  4. Great information! I was looking into The Swan. I went completely down a rabbit hole at first. Interestingly though, an adult female swan is known as a pen. Not sure if there is any relevance or not but interesting.

  5. POTENTIAL SPOILERS ABOUT THE LFOA RIDDLE ****************************************So... The riddle on the LFoA Winter newsletter.
    I've seen a few theories but not this one.
    I cracked the code. GOOGLED bpazil and redfern came up on wiki in second place. Cool cool, year of birth check, year of death 25 tears later check. But then I thought well what's with the hint (haven't even started with the typo). The hint is ????-XXXX.I assumed the years so googled Paul Redfern 1902 etc. But I realised there's no point because I already had that info. So i then thought, well what good is a hint like that. I looked closely and thought and why are there question marks instead of xs. Then i remembered that 1927 was his yod but the date was uncertain. Explaining the ????. I realised, obviously that 1927-1902 was 25 and that the hint could potentially be intended to be read that way. So I google Paul Redfern 25.
    I find an article from England about a man named Paul Redfern, 25 yo, who was with his brother "Joe" when Joe was beaten to death right outside The Swan Hotel.
    It got me wondering about why the star chart has anything at all to do with England when everything so far is all in Maryland.
    Anyway, the Swan is in Poulton. Google Poulton Baltimore, your first hit is a Dr...

  6. Oh also, Vince Fava. Owner of Trinacria Foods/Cafe, affectes by sinkholes has had that bysiness in his family for a century or more. Made me think of that letter JWJ sent and of the missing chunks from the article matching up with his letter.

    Another thing is that if you google cygnus and baltimore, you get a comoany called cygnus that install locks and safety featires or something. In their homepage right away is Sinai Hospital which is not far at all from where rhe ainkholes hapoened.

  7. Something I noticed in the LFoA letter are a few references to what happens if a friend does something inappropriate — writes something that has to be redacted or makes threats, etc. It says they’re reassigned, not terminated from the program. So I wonder if our boy has been a friend of someone else previously.

    1. He may have been previously assigned another "Friend" or is writing to multiple "friends" while also writing to us. We have no way of knowing how extensive his communication is with the outside world. We may just be the object of his affection for the moment because we are/could be useful to him later.

  8. question, does your pill cup have a watermark on the base of it? a D with a circle around it. I was curious if this was just the way all of these pill cups are because they are made by dixie, or if it was of some significance.

    1. I'm pretty mine was just a crappy old pill cup. I started back in Oct/Nov. of 2016. So they probably just use a different brand at different stages of the game.

  9. Has anybody had any luck with the numbers on the side of the newspaper article about the Florida panther?

    1. Use the article 'Body found on Weise Island" and the first number is the row the second number is the word. for example 3/4 is the third row, fourth word which is "I". Hope this helps.

    2. If our friend is not allowed the use of a pen, who wrote the numbers?

  10. How do I decide the teeth code
