Sunday, January 7, 2018

Awakening Box 7: Thoughts and Theories

Hunt A Killer: Box 7

LFoA Letter:
                                                   ***This is a generic LFoA letter***
***There is a hidden message in the letter*** Spoiler

JWJ Letter and List of "Coordinates": Using your compass and the ruler(Yay! We get to use our office supplies!) you will get a 4 line message. Sorry for just giving you the setup for figuring it out. But its really hard to explain. Takes a little time and patience. I'm not a fan of all the math! ðŸ˜£

This is usefull with the "X." on the JWJ letter...(Mine glows in the dark! Wooooo!)

Pink Pig: ***I'm assuming all pigs are pink because its significant for the story***
Is it just a trinket? Or does it have a deeper meaning? But...what color was Valerie Madson's dress? "Look back to go forward" or something like that. 

Dragon Swan Card:  Who may think of himself as a "dragon swan"? Draco + Cygnus= "Dragon" "Swan"??? He says at the end of the letter "From my mother, from my father, I am two made one." Who is the swan? Who is the dragon? 

Picture of Woman:File Folder of Documents:
Seems to be about JWJ's mother. She is injured a lot, most likely by JWJ's father. She is put on meds. Iproniazid was discontinues in the 60's, so it appears Phenelzine was a replacement to help her depression. There is several pieces of correspondence between the mother and her doctor, even planning a visit to another doctor. 

Travel Poster(Two sided):
Both sides show a woman, happy on a beach. Could this be some symbolism for the trips the mother never got to take? And is that a swirl on the underside of the airplane? Perhaps it will be relevant later. 

Final Thoughts: So, we get a little more background on JWJ's mother. And now JWJ is referring to himself as the Dragon Swan! And he seems to be confirming the death of Valerie with our tiny trinket. What is JWJ building up to? He is moving pieces around the board. But to what end? What will the season finale bring? Box/Episode 8 holds the answers...or maybe more questions! Happy Hunting!