Monday, May 15, 2017

Case File in Box 2(White Pages;Left side)

An In-Depth Breakdown of the Box 2 Case File(The Left Side)

When you open and look at the right side and start with the Psychiatric Evaluation papers: 

     Page 1, The Breakdown: Basic patient information listed; DOB, parents names, etc. Chief complaints: Patient is nervous, confused and doesn't speak. Mother complains of violent outbursts and the father is abusive. McGowan has self-harmed in the past. There is alcohol/substance abuse and violence in the family history. Deemed a danger to himself. Basic hospital jargon fills the rest of the page.

     Page 1, The Thoughts: McGowan's father seems to be a central focus of the issues. McGowan is angry and hurts himself.

     Page 2, The Breakdown: A patient incident report: August 8, 1967. McGowan would not return to his bed for curfew. He was aggressive and called out for his mother and shouted "bed" several times. A second orderly came to help and McGowan struck him on the side of the head. Its noted McGowan may be lashing out at male staff members who remind him of his father. And Dr. William Richter is in brackets.

     Page 2, The Thoughts: McGowan is attacking staff members who remind him of his father. That is important to remember. Especially with the incident involving the custodian.

     Page 3, The Breakdown: Exercise yard incident report: September 13, 1967. McGowan mutters words and phrases: Pilot, never be good, blew him up, said I can't do it, dad now, blue, and special. A patient asked McGowan to be quiet and McGowan attacked him. Dr. Richter wants to be more involved with McGowan's care. He is restrained and put in his room.

     Page 3, The Thoughts: The words McGowan mutters become VERY IMPORTANT in upcoming boxes. That is really the only takeaway from this page.

     Page 4, The Breakdown: Treatment plan: September 20. 1967. Dr. Richter quarantines and treats McGowan with a medication, Mellaril. He is restrained and the door is locked, with an orderly checking on him hourly. And a follow-up evaluation is scheduled for 3 months later.

     Page 4, The Thoughts: Mellaril is for the treatment of schizophrenia. He would be very tired and weak from this point on. 

     Page 5, The Breakdown: September 20, 1997. Correspondence between William Richter and George Madson(LFoA). There is discussion of the upcoming transfer of McGowan to their Darlington, MD facility. Richter wants him "far away" from him.

    Page 5, The Thoughts: Because of the death of Lillian, Richter and the asylum want McGowan gone. Possibly to cover up the truth. McGowan has been drugged and locked in his room for three months at the time of the murder in '67, so how did a drugged McGowan get a tool and with enough force, collapse the orbital socket of Lillian. Something doesn't add up.

      Page 6: The Breakdown: George Madson corresponds with a "Heather" to reduce McGowan's medication.

     Page 6: The Thoughts: Madson wants to know exactly what McGowan knows.

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