Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Transformation Episode 2: Thoughts and Theories

Hunt a Killer              
Transformation Box 2(Episode 2)

***Spoilers Throughout***

Talaria Letter-

The same mysterious letter from Talaria...whoever they are!

JWJ Letter-

JWJ is working on gathering more disciples! Watch out world! And apparently, Bob is in “metamorphosis.” Seems to be a trend when it comes to our dear friend, John.

Beehive Print-

Looks like a colorful beehive!  If you use the slip of paper from the jar,
you might just find a message from our friend to one of his new disciples! *Solving the cipher on the jar lid REALLY helps!*

Swirled Text Print-

“The Circus is in Town” 1912 by Edith Cockcroft. The original is housed
in Chattanooga, TN. You need to find the correct cipher to solve this one.

Toy Train-
Where oh where could this train be from? Other clues in the box help narrow down the search!

Black Talaria Card-

Using the same cipher you can decode the message at the bottom. *This helps you with the newly discovered: Whispers From Theodrus website from the previous box. And its possible you may not have this clue included in your box or mail delivery. It depends on when you joined the game. So, don't freak out if you don't have it. Just be aware of the WFT website for the future. 

Newspaper Article- 

Marjorie Heck seems to have had an "accident" at Perry's monument with her son, Robert. Why do these names feel so familiar? Looking back at a previous box may shine light on who they are. 

Final Thoughts: JWJ is recruiting followers...like our friend Robert "Bob" Heck. He appears to have done something to his mother in order to gain favor with JWJ. What is next for our murderer on the loose and his newly found roadtrip buddy??? And whats the deal with our new website? Can you hear it?Hear what??? The Whiiiiiispers!!!!! Box/Episode 3 may have a lot in store! Happy Hunting!

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