Thursday, May 18, 2017

Awakening Box 3: Thoughts And Theories

Hunt A Killer: Box 3

LFoA Welcome Letter: A third letter from George Madson. He has a new title, "Transition Facilitator". Not sure what this transition is or how it is affecting JWJ or the other characters in the hunt. But the letter references the newsletter from the LFoA website.

JWJ "Friend" Letter: Toward the end of the letter, JWJ makes reference to a "binary system." If you go back over the letter, a pattern of ones and zeros becomes clear. Putting that into a binary code cracker, the message "I gotM" appears. "M" could refer to George Madson. So, JWJ got George Madson. He either captured him or killed him.

Prisoner/Patient ID Bracelet:

Says "James, J.W.", "29-JUN-1956", and "0000 1618" on it. If you put this date into an age calculator or just do the math, it puts JWJ around 60 years of age, at least. There are two schools of thought on the date, either his DOB or a date of his incarceration. I'm going with his DOB for my theory. This would give us a helpful point of reference for any dates associated with him later in the game.

Bloody Pen:

Going with the binary coded message, "I gotM", I believe the pen is showing that JWJ killed Madson and took over the facility. This goes with my box/episode 2 theory that JWJ thinks of himself as Cadmus who slew the Dragon and buried the teeth to raise an army. In other words, he kills Madson and takes control of the staff and facility.

Barn Photo: This photo is most likely a nod to where JWJ may have lived as a child. Or it holds significance we don't understand at this point yet.

***LFoA Newsletter***: Putting the "Winter Puzzle" into a cipher cracker you get the message, "THE PILOT WAS BORN THIS YEAR...TWENTY FIVE YEARS LATER HE NEVER MAKE IT TO BRAZIL."   The year was "1902." Using the blacklight, the number "1618" shows up on the back of the Friend letter in box 2. Putting the Listening Friends of America website into your browser and add your newly discovered code... and an mp3 file is revealed. *There isn't much to gain at the moment from the recording, except that McGowan is drugged and being asked to admit to murdering Grayson.* Also: We are given the name of Jacob Nilson, our mystery signature on the inspection stickers. And the name "Felix" is also mentioned.

Thoughts on Boxes/Episodes 1-3:***SPOILERS for BOX/EPISODE 4*** So far, we have discovered we are corresponding with John William James, a 60-year-old man in an institution for the mentally ill. He has some control over the facility by episode 3 and may have murdered George Madson or be holding him captive. During the course of our interactions, JWJ gave us a case file about the murder of Lillian Grayson, a patient with a form of amnesia. She was "a bright star" and well liked around the hospital. So, was she a former staff member? Was she being drugged to keep her quiet about something she may have become aware of. LFoA is not beyond keeping a patient drugged, like McGowan, until they want to know information or control the flow of information. Was Grayson killed by a staff member, either the custodian or a doctor to cover up a relationship? McGowan was supposed to be in quarantine and restrained during the time of her murder, so how would he have killed her in his locked room? And all that we know about McGowan tells us he has anger toward father-figures and men. He loved his mother and nothing shows he had violence toward women. His mother said he was showing "periods of violent behavior", but not that it was directed at her. The father could be the target of that increased violent tendency. Is the custodian too obvious? A blunt object could be obtained by any staff member with appropriate access. This box gave us many questions. But we are seeing a power struggle occuring between JWJ and Madson. JWJ appears to be in control and we are unsure of the fate of Madson at this point. What does box 4 have in store for us?! Find out when we Hack The Hunt in Episode 4 later this week!


  1. Did you open your pen? Just wondering as it's not mentioned.

    1. I was so excited when i opened mine lol

    2. whole crap. I just opened the pen and my husband was standing their. I just scared him.

  2. charles have you come up with any ideas for the alphabet card?

    1. Not a clue. Might go with something in a later box. But as of now, nothing!

    2. Not sure if you figured it out yet or not. but the "X." on the alphabet card with the period goes back to the letter. only two words in the letter end the sentence with an "X." its a anagram

  3. awesome, and i believe we need to examine JWJ's dream a little more. i have found some very interesting info; however, i have just begun my investigating on it.......i may have fallen upon a possible connection to box 1

    1. I agree..i havent found much yet but i believe the obelisk is of importance

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I did and def think the philosophies are connected..esp knowing how he loves his Greek mythos

    4. totally agree, that's where I stand, plus Heraclitus was called or named "dark" which JWJ references and the ideologies of Heraclitus match to some of the things JWJ has said or believes, just still struggling with the constellation....... I have searched and dug deep, but I still feel some things are missing...... like what happened to our first inspector Rachel Scalione????? its like she never existed.

    5. Here was my thought of possible connection. Obelisk- Washington monument. he was alone but felt a presence. Ghost of Washington. Women's Suicide down shaft. Still investigating if this is related.

  4. Anyone found anything on the photo yet?

    1. If you look on the back it has a location. Beltsville. I giggled and came with only one in Maryland.

  5. Just a quick mentionsblut the cipher- when solved correctly, the cipher misspells Brazil as Bpazil. As we know, Hak's mistakes are purposeful - the P/R replacement is interesting in that P & R are letters 16/18 in the alphabet, respectively. They also are the initials of the downed pilot Paul Redfern whose birthday we should be using.

    1. I like that thought process. Makes sense to me. Any theory makes sense in this game ha.

  6. so has anyone bothered to do a bio on JWJ, meaning a workup on what we know about him....... i have learned many things, just wanted to compare what i have figured out so far to what others have

  7. read JWJ's dream then research Heraclitus......JWJ sure likes greek mythos and Parmenides..........

  8. an ideas on what happened to our first inspector Rachel Scalione???? In the news letter for winter on the L.F.0.A. site looking through the employees she is not mentioned........ has anyones else noticed there are no date stamps on anything except, the new article on the pipelines sent from JWJ and the LFoA news letter? i cant shake the feeling that none of this taking place is in our current time era...... how do you guys feel about this???? I have no evidence of any of this being current, all docs, etc. are from anywhere back as 1811-1967 minus the reproduction pages for 1997.

    1. addendum..... my reasoning is this.....we have no idea where this person is, who he is at this point..... what i have found was a closed down facility due to a breech..... that being said....what if JWJ is loose and all of this is his doings alone. Is that a probable theory???? whats hard is not having the future episodes lol. ugh!!!!

  9. on the matters of the constellation chart, i have noticed displacement with the stars, but one thing i did find interesting is we have the constellation lacerta, that is a lizard..... any connection not to sure but in the pic is also draco the dragon..... still fishing

  10. the brightest stars of lacerta form a "W'

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. copy and paste this in address bar study the image, keep in mind the swan, the lizard, the sting that was sent to us and the harp. not sure where this is taking me but i am digging deep

  13. here's another lead to examine, Aoife, is a very uncommon name.... that being said we have the notion that someone on the inside is helping JWJ, what's weird is LFoA has an employee named Aoife, that is the name of Lloyd McGowan's mother! could this be JWJs contact??? for some reason he wants us to know about Lloyd, if the employee at LFoA "Aoife 0'Sullivan is McGowan's sister, we may have a connection, ! she is also a Irish American Immigrant, she would currently be 39 years of age, she is a published poet, has a degree in nursing, she began as a caregiver, aaaaaaand plays a Irish fiddle! hmmmmmm

    We also have to look at employee..... Mr. Aaron DeVille (Custodial Manager)
    He started as a custodian in 2004 at Darlington
    He is sometimes found "talking" to patients
    Brags about how many "friends" (patients) he has at work
    Breeds Husky's and shows is "dogs" (could this be where the mysterious tooth came from) or maybe its one of Madsons? doubtful.....

    in box 2 going back a bit we have the inventory sheet, NOTE the flash light and McGowan's file are not mentioned.....

    anyone have any feedback or found any connections they might add???

  14. Anyone else notice the odd similarities in names? Madson, Grayson, Nilson....

  15. Does anyone know which site helped crack the binary code? I haven't been able to crack it.
