Monday, May 22, 2017

Awakening Box 6: Thoughts and Theories

Hunt A Killer: Box 6

LFoA Letter: There is a Confucius quote mentioned. At the bottom, there is letters and numbers matched up. Not sure at this point what they go with. 

JWJ Letter: JWJ says "the fields have gone barren." Is this in reference to dwindling staff or patients? He mentions his mother and her death. Mentions the day his mother died on their family farm. "Crops had not done well." Could this be linked to the "fields being barren" comment? Why so much farm terminology??? He talks about his father using a timpani drum. Timpani(Wikipedia) The drumhead can be made from calf or goat skin. Could his father have built his own drum set from their own livestock??? Then he finishes the letter with talk about a brazen bull and Perillos. Brazen Bull (Wikipedia) 

"Heather" Letter #3:
"Heather" talks about waiting for JWJ at an oblisk(sp?) at noon every day. Is she really or is this just some more wordplay? She talks about going to an internet cafe near her hotel. Says "they" stopped looking for her. Who are "they"? She burned all of her old IDs. Is her name not really Heather? Is she living under an alias? Finishes her letter making mention of a verbal altercation with a guy at the internet cafe about the paper. Is this one of the "corkboard" victims? 

Valerie Madson Email:
George Madson's wife, Valerie, emailed Jacob Nilson. There is nothing that I see that points to any other clues at the moment. She does say that she found a few things related to the Darlington facility for LFoA. But she hasn't seen or heard from George in some time. 

Noah(Son) Drawing: Drawing by George Madson's son. On one side is "Miss you Dad" and the other "Pleas come home soon Noah". Is this a clue or just to get us more involved in the story?

Small Combination Lock:
A 3-digit combination lock. If you look through the clues you find Bible scriptures on the mothers memorial card. A systematic check of all 3 digits combinations gives you: 4-1-3. From 1 Thessolonians(sp?) 4:13. The chapter is misspelled but is that significant or a HAK rabbit hole? And does the scripture itself "unlock" another clue? 

Tiny Blue Pig:
A very small plastic pig bead with hole through its center. Does this represent the "Brazen Bull" or is this just another allusion to JWJ's time on his childhood farm? I really can't say. Because I have no idea. Your guess is as good as mine.

Funeral Card: Marybeth Anna James(JWJ's mother) December 10, 1938-November 25,1976(37 years old). She was fairly young when she died. There is nothing about how she died. But my guess is the father was involved somehow, from JWJ's tone in his letter. The card gives us a location: Cecil, Ohio. And there are several scriptures listed on the back and the name of the church where the service was held: Grace in Faith Center for Fellowship and Worship. This may be an in-game building, because a quick search didn't yield any results. Maybe more will be revealed in a later box. 

Final Thoughts: It feels like this box/episode is ramping up to a conclusion of sorts for the season finale. There are many unanswered questions. What happened to the Madson family? What is Jacob Nilson;s role in all this? What is JWJ doing at this point in the season? Is Heather a victim of JWJ or another killer? And is she still alive? Wait and see what box/episode 7 has in store as we get close to the season finale of HUNT A KILLER!


  1. Did you use the blacklight on the combination lock? Maybe that's a clue, but to what?

    1. I went over my lock with the black light, but I didn't see anything? Did you find something?

    2. I found a tiny YZ in my lock with the black light

    3. I found a YV actually. Really weird...

    4. Mine says YA. I don't think it's a clue, since all of the letters are different between subscribers. But it may be interesting to note that this is a luggage lock. They're made so the TSA can open them (if a search is needed) without damaging the lock. That might mean something... But it also might not side I've also learned you can create your own combination for these locks and HAK might have chosen this lock specifically so they could make them all 413 combinations. So take from this what you will.

    5. Oh, I also meant to say that since this is a luggage lock, the blacklight letters might only be there to verify authenticity... Actually, now that I'm thinking about it... I wonder if the different letters alerts the TSA agent which key to use to open the lock. I could never find any information on how TSA is able to open these locks without damage. Maybe they have a series of keys and the blacklight letters tells them which one to use. Is it important, or a rabbit hole? 😵

    6. Wow. I missed that and I was LOOKING for VY!! The kid card, read upside down look like Greek letters. VY Cygnus is a star in the Swan constellation. But the Cygnus constellation on the card from episode 1 is actually the pattern for the dog constellation and contains the star Sirius (the Dog Star). Several episodes back we were ordered to “follow the dog”

  2. If you email Valerie you receive a reply using words that sound much like jwj in his letter from box 3 (I think...the letter with binary code)

    1. Also noticed that there are differences in some of Noah's letters in his drawing. It looks different than just a kid learning how to write...may be way off

    2. Also noticed that there are differences in some of Noah's letters in his drawing. It looks different than just a kid learning how to write...may be way off

  3. What's with the highlighter pen? What's it for?

  4. What's with the highlighter pen? What's it for?

  5. What's with the highlighter pen? What's it for?

  6. What's with the highlighter pen? What's it for?

    1. Its just a office supply to help mark things on your paper copies. Not a clue or anything...

  7. Many of us who are on this box (May 2018) received the same JWJ letter in this box as was in box 5. (You can currently see this in the forums where people are asking if this was on purpose or a mistake.) Your post above helped me to realize that it must be a mistake because the letter you describe above mentions new information. Also, the puzzle associated with the LFoA letter in box 6 will NOT solve because the letter that we have all received is the wrong letter. I just posted to the forum and used your link to show the people there that we all have the wrong letter. Is there any way that you can post a copy of the correct letter that should have come with this box? Or email it to me or anything that will help? If so, please let me know your preference and I can give you my email address if that's how you'd prefer to share it. Thank you for any help you can give!

    1. Mark, go to my FB page: and leave this question/issue in a post or comment anywhere on the page. Or in the messenger. Or messenger it to me directly so I can give you a copy of the letter directly:

      ****Sorry for the extremely late response***
